Sandhikala Ayurveda Sandhikala Ayurveda

Ayurvedic Medicine, Abhyanga Therapy, Ayurvedic Massage, Ayurvedic Dermatology and Ayurvedic Nutrition.
We offer our services in the City of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Ayurvedic Medicine, Abhyanga Therapy, Ayurvedic Massage, Ayurvedic Dermatology and Ayurvedic Nutrition.
We offer our services in the City of Buenos Aires, Argentina.

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Born in India approximately 5000 years ago, Ayurvedic Medicine (Ayur = life; ​Veda = Knowledge) adopts a holistic approach by considering the patient's mind, body and soul, thus providing a tailored, holistic treatment, in contrast to contemporary medicine. A healthy and balanced diet, regular physical exercise and Abhyanga Massage are key elements of the Ayurvedic Treatment. Abhyanga Massage (also known as Ayurvedic Massage) employs natural oils and essences according to the patient's needs. One of the main mottos of Ayurvedic Medicine is 'let your food be your medicine' ; i.e. Ayurveda attempts to avoid the use of pharmaceutical drugs, except for acute cases.

The professionals at Sandhikala Ayurveda hold university qualifications in Ayurvedic Medicine, with national (Argentina) and international (India) validity. In addition, at Sandhikala Ayurveda, all treatments are designed and supervised by licensed medical doctors.

Our facilities allow us to perform Ayurvedic treatments as close as they are performed in India. In addition, the oils and essences used by our team are manufactured there (India).

Some of the oils we use for Abhyanga Massage
One of our treatment tables
Set-up for Shirodhara
Oils and implements for Abhyanga Massage


General Ayurvedic Medicine

Prevention of diseases and complement to standard treatments

Abhyanga or Ayurvedic massage

Customised to meet the patient´s needs

Ayurvedic Dermatology

Clinical and aesthetic

Ayurvedic Nutrition

Considering the patient's biotype


Complemented with Abhyanga Massage

For further details about our services, feel free to get in touch.


Contact channels
+54911-5112-1137 (Ayurvedic Medicine inquiries and appointments)
+54911-3460-8150 (Abhyanga Massage or Shirodhara inquiries and appointments)

Branches and opening hours
We offer our services from Monday to Friday in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. We speak English.

City of Buenos Aires branch